木曜日, 12月 20

数カ月、忙しいます / Would be busy in the next few months

私は3年目の高校生です。 来る数週間、東大を含む大学入学試験を取るつもりです。 順調であるように、私は試験のいつか後までオンラインにならないです。


(投稿の元の時間: 2008年1月27日23時50分)

As you might have guessed, I am a 3rd year high school student. In the weeks to come, I am going to take the college entrance exams, including Tokyo University. In order for me to do well, I won't be online until sometime after the exams. By the way, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

(Original time of post: 27 January 2008 11:50 PM)

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